The upkeeping of your jewelry
We all love to wear beautiful shiny and sparkling jewelry. A valuable object they must be well-kept so that its beauty does not fade away. If you want your gems to shine as much as they did on the first day, you need to clean them regularly using the proper techniques. We give you all the tips you need to clean your jewels properly.
cleaning gold and platinum jewelry: everyday tips
Gold and platinum jewels with precious stones will last forever if you take good care of them. May they be in white gold, rose gold, yellow gold or platinum most jewels get dirty and dull when worn on a daily basis.
1st tip: choose a good metal quality
If you choose rose gold select our alloy which contains less copper than other brands substituted by more pure gold hence its color will remain stable as opposed to too much copper that will oxidate over time. Unlike the rose gold alloy of other jewels, our alloy is perfectly designed for an optimal durability and requires very little maintenance.
2nd tip: not only gold and platinum require an upkeeping…
Diamonds and colored stones also need special care, as they can lose their brilliance due to soap and cream residues, pollution and dust present in our daily environment.
The frequent and thorough cleaning of your precious stones will allow your jewelry to remain as shinny as it was on the first day you purchased it.
3rd tip: avoid aggressive products
Some old recipes that involve cleaning jewelry with toothpaste are not recommended, as the toothpaste will get stuck in the gaps of the jewel, hence difficult to remove. Moreover it may also be abrasive, so this technique is not a good practice .
D’autres vous proposeront également de laisser tremper vos bijoux toute la nuit dans de la lessive ou autres produits nettoyants. Cela aura pour effet d’encrasser davantage vos bijoux et ne présente donc aucun intérêt. La meilleure façon de les nettoyer est d’utiliser notre produit “maison” que vous pouvez pulvériser directement sur notre brosse spéciale en bambou, puis brosser à l’extérieur et à l’intérieur du bijoux, de les rincer à l‘eau claire et de les sécher avec le chiffon prévu à cet effet.
our jewelry maintenance set
For a day-to-day care of your jewelry, you can use our complete maintenance set, which will enable you to clean your jewelry easily, wherever you may be.
Thanks to our cleverly designed maintenance set, you may carry it with you wherever you go.
The jewelry set includes a special bamboo and silk brush, a cleaning product with a secret formula developed by Valérie herself, and a soft cloth to enhance the shine of your jewelry.
The whole set is packaged in a beautiful box matching the jewelry cases used for our jewels.

cleaning your jewelry: caring for your stones
If you own jewelry with precious stones, such as diamonds, sapphires, rubies or emeralds, it is important to clean them regularly. In fact, to allow natural light to be refracted through your stones, it's advisable to clean them once a week.

how to clean a diamond ?
Before attempting to clean your diamond, remember that every diamond is unique, and it is best to consult an expert gemologist for further advice if you have any specific questions.
If you simply wish to revive the brilliance of your diamond at home, you can apply the same cleaning technique to all your jewelry by using the Valérie Danenberg maintenance set.
how to clean a colored stone ?
All of our colored stones (except for emeralds) can be cleaned in the same way as diamonds. There is no special treatment to consider other than cleaning them regularly with our jewelry maintenance set to restore their natural brilliance.
Vous savez désormais comment entretenir et nettoyer vos bijoux en or et vos pierres précieuses afin de conserver leur éclat pour de longues années.
Si vous avez une question, un doute ou tout simplement envie d’une nouvelle création, contactez Valérie Danenberg, créatrice en Joaillerie et Expert Gemmologue, au 01 42 60 19 59 ou prenez rendez-vous sur notre site internet.